Monday, December 31, 2007

adieu 2007

tic-tac telegram, time to bring in another year. auspiciously, may the stars and other bodies align themselves tonight. let us see what bright words and other effluvia we can wave this time around.

so many loves lost. out there breathing, bathing, laughter...i don't wish for them, i echo in their echoes in me. no hard feelings, we are one.

i'll pray for belief. so that i may begin again to see through divine eyes. i'll pray for inner peace. so that i may have room for what i am able to see. i'll pray for outer peace. so that others might also see.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


day you'll be arisen to
where you already are
spun up into the pinhole
windows of the sky

gently forgetting
your childhood,

and in all endless
at-one-ment you'll
still know how to dance
and sing, put pearls
in the hearts
of lovers