Sunday, January 31, 2010

friends with words

1. meg
light across the window falls
in slats on the remains of bedroom
eyes, the aphrodisiac of sleeplessness, the
rapture of midnights faced with valor,
inamorata, eyes reclosing and stamps
of kisses on collars, delicate in the
scrumptious cottonbomb bedding,
as the sun returns the sky its name
a parabola on our tongues

2. matt
saturday, a party looms, music
builds in the blood, mingles
with whiskey vapors out to every
limb and in a voice, an echo lost
to the full tipsy moon busting
through this unseen sky

3. jen
in every use there is a joy and
in every joy a green coastline jagged
where ground meets sky, where
tribes make chants, inspire
spirits to kneel, pick up where god
left handprints, hold up totems and
drop tears in the sand

4. jessie
cast back, the sky is just another
color of ocean, an organic chemical
compound for eyes to enjoy, for
outdoor wallpaper, vacuous weekend
hours simple, dressed in nouns

5. me
paper petals make feuilleton trajectories
through naked midnight meadows
where owls hunt silence, where bats map
transcendence in lowveld basins, echoprone
ewers that return the long rush of blood

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