Tuesday, January 29, 2013

only do what counts...to you

do you ever?
and then summer comes
in the middle of snowshoes
cursive trees in the sun
shine move around the
sky hunts the ground

yes. upon an old picture
without my mind
a roadtrip we took
looking at it today you
had hair blown every

when you ask why
the timeghosts tire
restless in coffee cup
wishes and ready to
tell you
give it all up
for you

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The bullshit story stops here.

Leaving 2012, I've just realized a major lesson from the year and it came to me from an unlikely source. Remember Felix Baumgartner; he jumped out of space and became the first person to break the sound barrier without an "enclosure". He said, "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." At first I was resistant to this macho sentiment. It sounds a little egotistic and hoorah, go-get-em. But like the best lessons, as I've thought about it, this has become more true and impactful in my life.

First, you have to have a goal, but most importantly, you have to stop coming up with the reasons why you can't achieve it. This directly confronts our insecure nature and makes us stop and listen to the whiny "cant's" and hear them for the bullshit that they are.
So, no more "no's", no more "what if this or that did or didn't...", no more "well then how am i going to pay for...". No. No more bullshit story. Just steps in the direction of my dreams which I've had enough time formulating while I was also busy formulating their impossibility.
This year I will move toward what I want to achieve and I will not let anyone, least of all me, tell me why I can't.

I wish anyone reading this the same good fortune of discovering the heart of confident and authentic intention and manifestation, even in the most unlikely places.